Algae Control
Serving Portsmouth, Rhode Island, Also Serving Southern Massachusetts & Eastern Connecticut
Pond, Waterfall & Water Feature Algae & String Algae Control Services Contractor
Serving Portsmouth, Rhode Island, Also Serving Southern Massachusetts & Eastern Connecticut

Fish-KOI Pond Algae & String Algae Control
Pond algae is unsightly to most pond owners. Finding a balanced growth of healthy algae in your Portsmouth, Rhode Island (RI), Southern Massachusetts (MA) & Eastern Connecticut(CT), pond or water feature is really quite easy. Once you have a general understanding of a few basic principles and water treatments, it can be brought under control.
As long as you remember, "There is no such thing as an algae-free pond", you will have a better grasp on the subject when dealing with pond cleaning in the spring or fall.
Algae blooms occur when there is an excessive amount of nutrients in your pond or water features. Excessive nutrients definition breaks down into - "a nitrogen-rich environment"
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Not only do we design and build beautiful garden fountains and water features. We can also service and maintain your investments over the years to keep it looking beautiful all year. Pond, waterfall, fountain, and water feature service and cleanouts are our specialties. We service over 100 clients annually, so trust us to get the job done.

A Few Algae Facts & Main Types of Pond Algae
The two types of algae that most water gardeners experience are suspended algae and filamentous algae. Suspended algae consist of millions of microscopic algae floating throughout the water. This causes the water to turn green or a “pea soup” color. Filamentous, or string, algae forms long and short hair-like strands, attaching itself to rocks, gravel, plants, or any surface area it can find in the pond.
Most pond owners, in our area of Portsmouth, RI, Southern Mass, and Eastern CT, will notice a similar algae pattern in their pond, throughout the year. The cooler temperatures of early spring and late fall typically bring increased algae growth. Don’t be discouraged if your pond turns “pea soup” green, or you have string algae problems, during this time.
Be patient. The algae don’t mind cool water and can grow happily, but the bacteria that help fight algae growth are dormant. This lack of balance results in excess algae. However, as the water warms and the bacteria become more active, the algae will be reduced. Some ponds take longer than others do, but your pond will once again be clear and string algae will noticeably diminish as the summer approaches.
Improper Or Not Enough Filtration
Contrary to popular belief, a pump sitting at the bottom of your pond is not an actual working filter. Most pieced-together ponds have a mix-match of products in hopes of proper filtration. There are many systems that work really well, but they all take a pre-set amount of routine maintenance.
Way Too Many Fish or Over Feeding
Ponds that are overstocked with too many fish certainly promote pond string algae. It is so tempting to buy and buy, forgetting that the koi we buy are babies. As they grow, we have an even more acute lack of space and process ever-growing waste. Imagine a 4-inch baby has grown to 1 foot, 3 times its size, in a few months! The end result is increasing nitrogen levels, which in turn become nutrients for algae blooms.
Non Regimented Water Treatments
The improper usage, or complete lack of natural water treatments, promotes pond algae. A pond is only as healthy as the water in it. We provide a full selection of pond water treatments necessary to create a balanced, healthy, and happy pond. Treating pond algae with pond chemicals is not a long-term solution, it’s a quick fix that puts additional stress on your pond. So take care, and read all directions before just dumping them into your pond.
Excess Rainwater Nitrogen Runoff
We have noticed over the years that we receive many phone calls about algae blooms after long, heavy, rainy periods. The rainwater is full of nitrogen which is ultimately a fertilizer that algae can feed on. Having poor filtration, or low circulation will enhance the algae blooms based on how much rain the pond has collected.