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Pond Installation Supplies


Professional Pond & Water Feature Installation, Repair & Maintenance Product & Supply Store

1348 East Main Rd, Portsmouth, RI 02871

Aquascape Water Feature Installation & Repair Products

Whether you're building a new pond or water garden, or a fountain or pondless waterfall... Having the right products at the right time is key to a successful installation or repair. Aquascape Ecosystem Pond, Fountain, and Pondless kits come with all the necessary products like Silicone, Expanding Waterfall Foam, PVC Glue & Patch Kits, but we also carry all of those products and sell them individually as well. These items are mainline items at Domina's Agway and are always in stock.

Contractors and homeowners alike will find everything they need to successfully install or repair any existing water features with education and guidance from our staff at our store in Portsmouth, Rhode Island (RI), also serving Southern Massachusetts (MA) & Eastern Connecticut(CT), or services from our installation & Maintenance team members.

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Not only do we design and build beautiful garden fountains and water features. We can also service and maintain your investments over the years to keep it looking beautiful all year. Pond, waterfall, fountain, and water feature service and cleanouts are our specialties. We service over 100 clients annually, so trust us to get the job done.

Custom Size Boxed Aquascape EPDM Liner Sizes

Pond Liner 8' x 10', 45 mil EPDM
Pond Liner 10' x 10', 45 mil EPDM
Pond Liner 10' x 15', 45 mil EPDM
Pond Liner 10' x 20', 45 mil EPDM
Pond Liner 10' x 25', 45 mil EPDM
Pond Liner 10' x 30', 45 mil EPDM
Pond Liner 10' x 35', 45 mil EPDM
Pond Liner 10' x 40', 45 mil EPDM
Pond Liner 15' x 15', 45 mil EPDM
Pond Liner 15' x 20', 45 mil EPDM
Pond Liner 15' x 25', 45 mil EPDM
Pond Liner 20' x 20', 45 mil EPDM
Pond Liner 20' x 25', 45 mil EPDM
Pond Liner 15' x 30', 45 Mil EPDM

Heavy Duty Geo-Textile Underlayment Fabric

Aquascape's liner underlayment helps protect and prevent tears in the liner while placing large rocks on top of it. The underlayment provides more protection and is easier to use than folding regular underlayments. Aquascape underlayment is for users who own a pond and are looking to place rocks on the liner. The underlayment prevents any rips or tears from happening on the liner as rocks are placed. Gravel and rocks can easily tear the liner, flooding the underground and losing water in the pond.

The thick underlayment prevents any such tears. It is important to make sure there are no tears in the liner because it will lead to the leaking of water and the water will eventually move underground, possibly leading to above-ground flooding. The underlayment works to prevent from any such tears happening when placing the gravel and rocks in the pond. If the liner tears it will need to be replaced, making the cycle very expensive.

Expanding Waterfall Fish Safe Foam Sealant & Foam Installation Guns

Aquascape black polyurethane waterfall foam is ideal for filling joints and gaps between rocks and boulders maximizing the amount of water cascading over the waterfall and rushing down the stream.

Automatic Water Fill Valves

Fast Drying Silicone Sealant

Aquascape Black Silicone Sealant is ideal for sealing joints where the liner attaches to filters, including the BioFalls® filter snouts and skimmer faceplates. It is important to properly seal water feature filters to effectively prevent costly leaks. Aquascape silicone is fish-safe, black in color, and easy to use.

EPDM Liner Primer / Cleaner & Patch Kit

This convenient repair kit allows easy repair of up to two holes in the EPDM liner.

Kit Includes:

Pond Supplies, Koi Fish, Aquatic Plants, Water Treatments & More  1348 East Main Rd, Portsmouth, Rhode Island (RI)