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LED Pond & Fountain Lighting

Serving Portsmouth, RI, Southern Massachusetts & Eastern Connecticut

LED Pond & Water Garden Lighting Contractor / Builder / Designer

Serving ​Portsmouth, RI, Southern Massachusetts & Eastern Connecticut

Fountain, Waterfall, Ecosystem Fish & KOI Pond LED Lighting

Having a pond or pondless waterfall, fountain, or water garden feature, without LED underwater lights, would be the equivalent of having a brand-new car... With NO GAS! Now if you're asking yourself "How do I install a custom pond lighting system"? You're definitely in the right place. If you ask our Portsmouth, Rhode Island (RI) & Southern Massachusetts (MA) & Connecticut (CT) area customers, they will tell you that as far as LED underwater lights go, it is an absolute must-have to complete your paradise dreams!

First things first, add up the amount of lights you will need to light your pondless waterfalls up properly. On a typical small pondless you could install up to 6 lights to light it up properly. We will add up the total number of lights we are installing, and then get 2 extra! Never have we installed more lights and said "There Are Too Many Lights"!

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Not only do we design and build beautiful garden fountains and water features. We can also service and maintain your investments over the years to keep it looking beautiful all year. Pond, waterfall, fountain, and water feature service and cleanouts are our specialties. We service over 100 clients annually, so trust us to get the job done.

Perfect To Light That Small Space, Fountainscape Or Waterfall In Your Yard

Landscape waterfalls & fountains provide homeowners with a unique and creative way to decorate their gardens & outdoor living space. Many homeowners desire the soothing sounds of running water, but what they don't realize is what happens at night!

The addition of LED lighting to your waterfalls & fountainscape allows you to enjoy your investment longer from inside and outside as well.

Certified Aquascape Pond Contractor / Builder / Installer & Maintenance Pro's Serving Providence-RI, Southern Mass, Eastern CT & Rhode Island Areas