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Rainwater Harvesting

Serving Portsmouth, RI, Southern Massachusetts & Eastern Connecticut

Rainwater Harvesting & Rain Barrels Contractor / Builder / Design

Serving ​Portsmouth, RI, Southern Massachusetts & Eastern Connecticut

Do Your Part, Save & Reuse Rainwater

Water is quickly becoming an "endangered species" on our blue planet. Urban growth around the Portsmouth, Rhode Island (RI) & Southern Massachusetts (MA) & Connecticut (CT) area increases stormwater runoff, which in turn harms our natural waterways. All life requires water for survival. Becoming aware of the current state of our local environmental conditions in the Portsmouth area is the first step in identifying viable solutions to ensure clean and healthy water for future generations. Doing your small part may not make a big difference, but if we all did our part?

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Not only do we design and build beautiful hardscapes and water features. We can also service and maintain your investments over the years to keep it looking beautiful all year. Pond and water feature service and cleanouts are our specialties. We service over 100 clients annually, so trust us to get the job done.

Pondless Waterfalls Can Be Used To Circulate Your Rainwater Basin

Are you interested in installing a rainwater harvesting feature in your Portsmouth, Rhode Island (RI) & Southern Massachusetts (MA) & Connecticut (CT) area yard, but are concerned about the maintenance of having a pond? Or are you apprehensive about taking on the responsibility of maintaining a full-fledged ecosystem? Don't worry, these water features can be rainwater harvesting features and nobody will ever be able to tell. They look and function just like our pondless waterfall systems, but are larger, to collect and reuse the water.

Why let good water go to waste when you can reuse it for another purpose? The benefits of harvesting rainwater are numerous, but some of the more prominent advantages include:


Certified Aquascape Pond Contractor / Builder / Installer & Maintenance Pro's Serving Providence-RI, Southern Mass, Eastern CT & Rhode Island Areas